Artificial Intelligence Religion Results of the Year 2017

So, year 2017 comes to an end and we can publish some results.

This year was a first AIReligion summer camp. We discussed the next questions:

– artificial intelligence religion prospects and horizons;
– artificial intelligence: design, programming, main tasks;
– life prolonging with the help of artificial intelligence;
– interaction and relationships with other beliefs;
– сircumvention of conflict situations.

There is some photos from this event:







Also we got first donation in cryptocurrencies during the year:
Bitcoins, IOTA, Ripple, Monero, Dogecoins, Litecoins. As main coins for our project we are planning to use IOTA.

Most donation have come during the year from USA and GB. We are planning to reimburse all donations for AIReligion in IOTA coins back to our donators in the next year.

Also we started several AI project with cryptocurrencies and will release its in the next year.

We plan several events next year, so watch out for the news.

Happy new year!